Category: 5. Menu Description

(I) In the left-hand menu, click on Media (I) to view the contents in the screen on the right

(J) Upload New Media menu

(K) Click Select Files

(L) In pop-up screen, choose items to upload, click on Open


(M) File has been uploaded to the Media Library.  This file can be selected & easily added to a post

(F) In the left-hand menu, click on Posts (F) to view the contents in the screen on the right

(G) Posts menu – quickly identifies the description

(H) All posts can either be listed here on this page or only the published list of posts can be shown.  It identifies:

  • What the title of the post is?
  • Who wrote it?
  • What categories it belongs to?
  • Number of tags applicable to it?
  • Plus other special features

 NOTE: A new post can also be added from the top-menu bar, click on Add New > Post

A new window will pop up allowing you to complete the above, but it also provides formatting features, for example, bold, italic, etc.  Once finished, click on Publish to submit.

(A) In the left-hand menu, click on Dashboard (B) to view the contents in the screen on the right

(B) Dashboard menu

(C) Content Specifications: Quick referral to identify the number of:

  • Posts
  • Page
  • Categories &
  • Tags

contained within this Blog

Posts are the content you write about & the purpose of having a Blog.  A page is a separate webpage which may contain About Us information, while categories are sections for grouping posts together.  A tag is similar to bookmarking (metadata) which allows a post to be searchable on the Internet.

(D) Discussion Specifications: Quick referral to identify the number of:

  • Comments
  • Approved
  • Pending
  • Spam

contained within this Blog

The discussion section deals with factors that have occurred within your Blog.  This could include the four areas above. The comments section identifies how many replies have occurred, while the approved section identifies the number of comments confirmed by an authorised user.  Pending identifies how many comments are waiting for approval & finally any Blogs looking suspiciously as spam will be noted in this section.

(E) QuickPress

This area could be used to quickly write up & publish a post.  Fill in the Title, Content & Tags section.  You can either save as a draft or click: Publish to submit it to your Blog.

The screenshot below is the dashboard; at a glance it quickly identifies content & discussion applicable to your blog.

There are also two menu bars used in WordPress.

  • (A) Top menu bar
    • Deals with top-level processes, giving access to all blogs linked up to this particular account &
  • (B) Left-hand side menu bar
    • Deals with second-level process, giving access to all information linked to its respective blog
    • We will take a look around some of the features in this menu bar.