Tag Archive: Affiliate Marketing

Wanting a better life instead of being stuck in a 9 to 5’er? YES? I was in the same boat! Sifted through the world wide web … hunting hi & low in search for a way of making use of my talent online. I heard of all these success stories so this should be easy right?!

So What Am I Looking For?

For years now, I have been on the hunt for something online, where I could WORK:

  1. From anywhere around the world
  2. At any hour of the day
  3. Even if my child was sick or
  4. While I was still in my PJ’s!

I JUST knew there was something out there for me, but I struggled to find anything. View full article »

So we have a domain name, now what else is needed?  Well you must be able to host the domain name over the Internet.

Most domain name registrars will also offer this package, but it soon became apparent that better options were available if one chose to do their homework first. It’s amazing how technology has gotten better over the years & the same with businesses needing to have a competitive edge with prices. What used to be a small monthly fee has now become a small annual fee. It’s amazing!

Recently, I’ve managed to:

  1. Discover a community that helps you build a successful online business
  2. Setup a domain through them AND
  3. They also host & have other positives

It’s really made it a no-brainer, keep in all under the same umbrella & that’s why I love Wealthy Affiliate . Feel free to ask any questions!