Archive for April, 2016

I tend to find things straight-forward most of the times, especially in places where people have struggled & so I’ve decided I’m going to write up a HOW-TO-DO things based around WordPress since people find building a website overwhelming at times … it’s not really.

Initially it will be a lot of work as I’d still like to continue to help people find their answers, but I’d also like to jot down a quick reference in case someone else will need a hand with the same thing … as I have discovered in my short time (3 weeks) joined up to Wealthy Affiliate. e.g.  how to use PLUGINS & WIDGETS … in layman terms so keep returning here & I’ll start my HOW-TO-DO in the near future!

Systems Analysis & Design


*Scope Definition

*Problem Analysis

*Requirements Analysis

*Logical Design

*Design Analysis

*Physical Design & Integration

*Construction & Testing

*Installation & Delivery

Wanting a better life instead of being stuck in a 9 to 5’er? YES? I was in the same boat! Sifted through the world wide web … hunting hi & low in search for a way of making use of my talent online. I heard of all these success stories so this should be easy right?!

So What Am I Looking For?

For years now, I have been on the hunt for something online, where I could WORK:

  1. From anywhere around the world
  2. At any hour of the day
  3. Even if my child was sick or
  4. While I was still in my PJ’s!

I JUST knew there was something out there for me, but I struggled to find anything. View full article »


Will update regularly as I rediscover HTML shortcuts that I use often. These need to be inserted into the HTML coding tab when editing your website.

Ampersand, &

Places an & in your content instead of using the word “AND”



Generates a © symbol, just add where necessary


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